Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Things Kids Say are Hilarious

Children say the craziest things. Their honesty and magical way of explaining things makes for some great conversation. Nyani is no exception. Check out some of her classics.

"Can I have a snack?"
"No. Wait until your food digests."
(about 5 minutes later)
"Mommy, I think my food has digressed. Look!" (She opens her mouth like I'm supposed to see into her stomach.)

"Nyani sit your tail down!!!"
"But Mommy I don't have a tail."

(As I'm changing DJ's diaper, Nyani is laughing hysterically)
"Mommy!!! Look!!! DJ's vagina looks so funny!! What's wrong with it?!"

(I was breastfeeding DJ when I noticed Nyani had her baby doll attached to her belly button. When asked what she was doing, this was her response)
"I'm feeding the baby like DJ."

(While fixing eggs for breakfast one morning, she asked if she could help. I said no becasue I was in a hurry.)
"But Mommy, everyone needs some help sometime."
(Damn WonderPets!)