Thursday, August 28, 2008

Her 1st Full Day Without Mommy & Daddy

I knew the second day was gonna be the hardest...for me, anyway.

We walked into the lobby where Miss Weaver was waiting for all her "friends". Nyani wanted 3 kisses and hugs before she felt confident enough to go over with her class. On her way over she stopped and ran back to me saying, "Mommy, I know you can't stay in here with me but can you stay outside for a few minutes?" I choked back a flood of tears and somehow uttered, "Sure baby". It was really cold outside that morning and I had DJ so, I wasn't going to stay very long. Besides, she couldn't see me outside anyway. I waited, like I said I would, for a minute or so, then I walked back to my Mom's house. As soon as I sat down, I burst into tears. I couldn't help it. My Mom reassured me that Nyani would do well. And I know she will, it's just accepting the fact that she is no longer my baby. She is a big girl. For a Mom, that's a hard fact to face. You never wanna let go; even if it is just a little bit. After composing myself DJ and I went back home. My cell phone was always within reach just in case I had to come pick her up. I kept imagining that I would get a frantic call from the principal saying that Nyani could not be consoled because she missed me too much. At that point, I'd rush out to get her and start researching home schooling while rehearsing my pitch to Duane. But, that never happened. Before I knew it, it was 3:00 and I was on my way to pick her up by 3:30. DJ and I were right there waiting for her as she walked out with her class. As I walked up to her, I imagined she would run to me and hug me tight. However, to my surprise, she cried when she saw me. I must admit, I was kinda hurt. She was crying because she wanted to ride the school bus home. Can you believe that? I'm worried about her all day, couldn't wait to see her thinking that she missed me too and all she can think of is riding the school bus home!

Needless to say, she did well on her second day and her third day. I still miss her but it's getting easier and easier. When I pick her up she still complains about not being about to take the school bus. I suppose she'll never run to me arms open expressing how much she missed me. (Sigh) But I guess that's a good thing...right?

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