Saturday, November 29, 2008

We Got A New President Yall!!!

Okay, first let me apologize for the incorrect grammar BUT I'm just so excited I had to revert back to my ebonics for a quick minute.

America has elected it's first black president, Barack Obama. Wow!! I still get teary eyed just thinking about it. There is someone in the White House that looks like me and my children. My babies can grow up knowing that being black is not a set back nor an excuse. (Now before I put both feet up on the soap box let me just mention that I did not vote for Pres. Elect. Obama because he was black. I voted for him because I believe in his policies and I believe he can change this country for the better. He just happened to be black.) I am even more excited that his wife Michelle, will be a wonderful role model for the young black girls in this country. She is a beautiful, intelligent loving mother and wife who supports her husband and takes care of her family. (Yes, these women do exist.) All black women do not dream of being baby mama's and video chicks despite what the media portrays.

His victory was made even sweeter because he was elected by America. Black, white, red, yellow, brown, green, blue...whatever. Color did not matter for the first time in this country, the issues took precedence. The crowds of people that gathered to just hear him speak were enormous. The crowds reflected America. All races, sexes and ages gathered for a common good. It made me feel so good to see my country finally coming of age. I have friends all around the world and they were even sending me emails expressing how happy they were that Obama was elected. The world celebrated with us as if we were being freed from some sort of tyranny. Damn, W must really feel bad about the legacy he's leaving but oh reap what you sow.

I could go on for days about My Prez but I'm going to stop there. As a mom, I feel good about the country's choice. God bless Pres. Elect. Obama and his family and God bless America.

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