Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Her 1st Day of Kindergarten...Well, Sort of

Well Ladies,

My baby completed her 1st day of Kindergarten yesterday. We took plenty of pics and told her how proud we were of our "Big Girl". She was very excited. I could also tell she was a little nervous although she wouldn't admit it. Here's how the day went.

I had enough foresight to ask my Mother-in-law to keep DJ the night before so we could get going without any problems. So, we didn't have to worry about the little boy and all his drama. We woke her up around 7a to get washed up and eat a good breakfast. (I was way too nauseous to eat anything.) Then, I started on her hair. She looked so cute after putting on her clothes. The skirt she picked, when we went school shopping, looked great on her. I hated it because it reminded me of an old lady pattern BUT she made it work. After taking pics at every turn, we finally got to her school and let her walk us to her classroom. We all met Miss Weaver (who seems like a great teacher). They did introductions for about 45 minutes learning about each other and Miss Weaver. I was sitting in that hard little chair (my God how the hell did we sit in those things all day? My butt was killing me.) and it felt like I was about to break down. I could feel myself hyperventilating and everything. But she looked backed at me and smiled and waved. I knew I had to keep it together. I waved back and after she turned around, the tears just fell.

After introductions with her "friends", Miss Weaver went over some important things with the parents. After which, she informed us that she would be taking them to the cafeteria to show them the routine and she wanted us to stay behind for 5-10 minutes. My heart started pounding. Duane must have noticed because he put his arm on shoulders and gave me a hug saying, "She'll be fine". I know my baby and I knew she wouldn't be fine. She kept looking back at us the whole time they were on the mat. Well, they left for the cafe and all the parents (teary eyed Moms and proud Dads) started checking out their classroom. After a few minutes we joined them in the cafe to find out that Nyani had a little break down because she thought we had left her for the day. She was fine once she saw us. She looked like such a big girl when I saw her sitting there on those cafe benches. The tears returned and I had to turn away from her to try to compose myself. She hadn't seen me cry all day and I was trying to keep it that way.

The day ended with me feeling emotionally drained but Nyani was happy as a clam. We went to Friendly's to celebrate the occasion and decided to start the tradition of eating out every 1st day of school.

All in all it was ok. I guess. Today I had to actually leave her for her 1st full day without Mommy and Daddy. We'll see how she does.

1 comment:

foxtrot said...

UAU she's lovely just like her mummy!!!
I am so proud of one of the best moms I know :)))))