Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Baby is Going to School and I'm Nauseous

Well, I knew the day would come. I thought I was prepared but I am NOT AT ALL. Some of you know because I've been crying about it for the past week. Nyani is starting Kindergarten on August 25th and I'm not coping well. She's doing really well. She's very excited and happy that she's gonna have a new teacher and meet new friends. I'm the one that can't stomach this situation. Yesterday, we went up to her school to get her class assignment and supply list. Well, Missy was hopping and skipping her happy behind up to the door while I was dragging behind popping TUMS. By the time we got into the school's office I had to sit down. I had to put DJ down b/c I was in no condition to hold him. I kept asking the secretary to repeat what she said b/c I couldn't focus. I just kept thinking about how my baby is going to start school.

Duane and I have been able to keep her sheltered from all the horrors of the world up until now. My fear is that August 25th will be the beginning of the end of her innocence. You know all the things kids pick up in school. Remember the stuff you learned! OMG I'm sweating. You know we believe in being truthful in all things with our children. And so far so good, she can tell or ask us anything and I mean anything without being ashamed or afraid. But now that she's in school only God knows what those little heathens will be telling her. So, to make myself feel better and preempt any heathen theories we've been talking about everything. I've reinforced the usual topics, Good Touch/Bad Touch, Stranger Danger and introduced some new ones like Girls/Boys and Relationships and the always famous You Can Always Ask/Tell Me Anything. That still didn't help ease my nausea so I figured we'd do something that always makes me

I took her school shopping today thinking, "We love shopping together so this will be a fun way for me to get used to the idea". Well, it worked...until she started trying things on, then out came the TUMS. I wanted to cry so bad b/c she looked like such a big girl. She was so happy and all I kept hearing was Don Henley singing "This is the end of the innocence". What the hell is wrong with me? I was so mentally drained and nauseous we only visited 1 store (Old Navy is having a 40% off sale on kids clothes BTW). I had to get myself together. We didn't even get the school supplies. I think I'll leave that to Duane.

Ladies, you have to help me. The first day is fast approaching and I can't let her see me cry (or worse puke) as she goes to class. I really need some advice on this one Ladies. For those of you who have been through it before please leave some advice. I feel like I'm loosing my baby.


DLT said...

well, I went through it last year- and it truly is worse for the parents than it is for the children. Believe me, I know- but it's ok, really. My daughter was sooo excited and I was scared to death (scared she'd get lost in the big school, scared she was now in a big building around strangers, just scared of everything...)I replayed every bad scenerio over and over in my head- even down to the worst of the worst- what if they take her out on the playground and someone takes my child!!! I even considered home school after that. It was bad... But I got my nerve up eventually and let go and let God. You have to find a balance so that you don't hinder your child(which is hard b/c as parents you want to protect them from everyone and everything) Anyway, she had a great year! I was up at the school as much as I could, observing her classes (they encourage parents to visit) and she has so many friends. She's such a social butterfly :) I even went to the playground to ease my nerves and watched the teacher and assistant with the kids- just to make sure no kid wandered off unnoticed. She loved her kindergarten teacher, I loved her kindergarten teacher! God has his hands on my baby and he keeps her safe and keeps me sane! We are blessed beyond measure. My baby graduated with a big smile on her face and a diploma in her little hands.. One year down and 12 to go (sigh)!

Nikki said...

Thanks Dawn. I'm trying to be brave. Just pray for me.