Saturday, November 29, 2008

DJ Loves Cheerios

I thought DJ would be different. He would pretty much eat anything you'd give him. But lately, he has become overly picky. He doesn't want anything but Cheerios.

Me - "DJ what do you want for breakfast?"
DJ- "Cheeros"

Me- "DJ what do you want for lunch?"
DJ- "Cheeros"

Me- "DJ what do you want for dinner?"
DJ- "Cheeros"

Do you get the general idea? And if you're thinking "Why is she asking an 18 month old what he wants. Just give him something else." I thought of that as well but he will not eat anything else. I make him sit there figuring he'll get hungry enough and eat whatever is there but noooooo. He will sit there forever and not touch the food. Then he'll say, "I hungy. I Cheeros". The little monster.

For those of you with toddlers. I'm begging for help, tips...anything! Help!!!

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