Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sibling Rivalry

Nyani - 5, DJ - 18 months yet they fuss and fight like two 10 year olds. I don't understand it. They love each other one minute then, the fighting breaks out. Nyani annoys him to death because he has to be Prince Charming to her Cinderella and he thinks she's a punching bag. I mean really. I'd expect this from them once they are older but now?! If it's this bad now, what am I going to do in a few years?

I try to explain to Nyani that he's only a baby and doesn't understand a lot of the games she wants to play. I also try to teach her to ignore him when he's being a pest but she is only 5. As for DJ, he gets a lot of hand 'taps' for fighting and redirection to other activities.

Moms, let me know how you handle sibling rivalry in your home.


Anonymous said...

I thing you should tell your daughter you need her help in being the "mommy" when your not in the same room, and she may take a different approach!!!

Nikki said...

Sounds like a good idea and I have tried it but it hasn't worked.